Uncensored Social Network BASTYON

Uncensored Social Network

A blockchain-based private social network that allows users to earn money and express themselves freely without censorship.

I’ll tell you a few words about the new social network “BASTYON”, which is actively appearing in Internet discussions now in various sources. Many users are tired of total control from well-known (we won’t name names) services. No matter how they deny it, such impudence in censoring information in the interests of one side and leaking data to someone else needs to look for it. No one is even surprised when users are banned forever for expressing their opinions. If freedom of opinion is important to you, then join.

The main request from users now for social networks is the absence of censorship. And just like that, “BASTYON” is based on the now popular blockchain technologies, and therefore – solely according to the assurances of the creators – it is not subject to sanctions, blocking and censorship.

The description of the social network stated that the social network does not collect any data about the registering user. And then suddenly I find a field for entering an email. But after reading the explanation below in time, I found out that the window for entering an email is not necessary.

Typically, email is used to recover your social network account and to identify you as a unique user. They also send you a verification code or a link to recover your password. But the social network “BASTYON”, as announced, is not interested in controlling its users and does not verify their identity.

You can enter your email and you will receive a newsletter about the best bastion materials or some notifications about social network news. Email is not tied to your account.

On the other hand, you cannot recover your password via email. This is technically impossible. Developers do not have access to your passwords in principle.

If you have lost your “BASTYON” password, then you have lost access to your account forever. Therefore, save your private key and duplicate it on independent media. Lost the key, lost the account and all the money on it. This is the peculiarity.

Actually, there is nothing superfluous, no phone numbers, email, date of birth, residential address, and so on. So far, the declared anonymity remains.

What did you like about the BASTYON workspace? “Show the best” is a great option. You can turn it off and watch everything. Posts and articles by category are very convenient. You can sort videos and articles separately.

Here are the features highlighted by the developers themselves:

  • Bastyon is a social network that can bypass common censorship tactics, such as blocking domains and banning bloggers for dissent;
  • Bastyon is a video sharing platform that does not ban for differences of opinion, and is moderated by the community based on transparent rules;
  • No personal data required;
  • Bastyon is also a private and freedom-oriented financial system;

By the way, rewards will be awarded for users who come from social network users. Soon there will also be rewards for liking posts and other activities in BASTYON.

That’s all for me, thank you for your attention.

Register in the new social network BASTYON

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