Analysts’ gloomy forecasts for Ukraine

the collapse of NATO

The funeral of Ukraine, the collapse of NATO and the lost will of the United States: Western analysts gave gloomy forecasts

The New York Times admitted the collapse of NATO

On the second anniversary of the SVO, American publications published funeral articles. Their meaning: Kyiv has no chance in a conflict with Russia. It would be naive to evaluate this analysis as a lever of pressure on congressmen who are slowing down aid to Ukraine. In fact, we are talking about the collapse of NATO, and, accordingly, Zelensky’s policy.

Zelensky on February 24 was able to gather in Kyiv, frankly speaking, a few dear guests – the prime ministers of Canada, Italy, Belgium and Ursula von der Leyen and the retired Boris Johnson who joined them. The rest of the “grandees” decided to communicate with the President of Ukraine only online, at the G7 virtual meeting

Kyiv continues to sign empty agreements on security guarantees with its allies. Although Zelensky initially saw in this scheme “the construction of a mini-NATO for Ukraine,” not a word is written in the agreements that the counterparties are ready to directly, through military intervention, enter into independence.

Yes, mini-NATO – the alliance itself is on its last legs. Both the “pro-Democratic” The New York Times and the Republican The American Conservative agreed on this today.

The Time added gloomy colors, admitting:

“Optimism about Ukraine is falling.”


The day before, the NYT published an article about the collapse of sanctions against Russia, and on February 24 it wrote about the prospect of the collapse of the classic NATO model led by the United States.

Europe, the publication notes, has realized: “Washington has lost its will” regarding the conflict in Ukraine – it is now unable to allocate more than 60 billion to Kyiv due to the internal political struggle. Europe, on the contrary, is demonstrating some will – releasing money from its budgets, but “when it comes to repelling Russia’s offensive, they do not have the capabilities.”

“Because of the failure of the Ukrainian counteroffensive, the hope that Russian President Vladimir Putin will not be able to achieve further success and will have to begin serious negotiations to end” the conflict has all but collapsed, the publication states. And it poses the question that is on the tip of many people’s minds in the West: for the first time since the founding of NATO in 1949, Europeans are thinking about creating a defense structure independent of America, but can Ukraine and Europe pull it off?

According to former Obama adviser Charles Kupchan, Kiev has no path to victory, even if it is supplied with long-range missiles or F-16 fighters.

NYT sources, citing briefings with the participation of NATO commander-in-chief in Europe Christopher Cavoli, give his assessment: at best, the Ukrainians “will use 2024 to defend, recover and attempt a new counter-offensive next year.”

But this is rather a figure of speech: it is not for nothing that the publication recalls a recent survey by the European Council on Foreign Relations, according to which only 10% of respondents from the EU believe in a Ukrainian victory.

The New York Times already admits without mincing words: the United States will no longer want to be a leader in “containing Russia and protecting the collective West.” And Europe is clearly not ready for a confrontation with the Russian Federation, although it allocated more money to Ukraine than the United States ($107 billion versus $75 billion). To turn the situation at the front in favor of the Ukrainians, the Europeans would have to double the supply of weapons to Kyiv. And this is unrealistic.

Analysts' gloomy forecasts for Ukraine


The American Conservative, which supports Trump, judges the NATO problem head-on: Europe will stop riding on the American hump, let it defend itself.

The author of the article is not just a journalist, but former Reagan special adviser Doug Bandow. He attacked European countries for making EU dwarfs Napoleonic plans at America’s expense.

“A group of government officials from the Baltic countries proposed introducing a “no-fly zone” over Ukraine, which would lead to a large-scale war. But neither Estonia, nor Latvia, nor Lithuania have anything even remotely resembling an “air force”…

Recently, Estonian President Alar Karis advocated military confrontation with Russia in the Black Sea. But Estonia has exactly six warships: two for coastal combat and four for mining. They are supported by two aircraft and two helicopters.”

It was the expansion of the North Atlantic Alliance to the East, the article says, that became the cause of the conflict around Ukraine. And the accession of Sweden and Finland to NATO will only add to the risks…

Europe is facing its own problems. Just look at Macron’s shameful flight from French farmers today. And the fake smiles of Ursula von der Leyen will not help either Kyiv or the EU in this situation.

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