PancakeSwap Will Launch Branches


PancakeSwap will launch “branches”, CAKE holders will receive new tokens

Decentralized exchange PancakeSwap will allow partners to create its “branches” on other blockchains. CAKE token holders will receive “branch” coins.

PancakeSwap DEX is preparing to launch an affiliate model. The model implies: third-party developers will be able to “fork” the exchange code and place their version of the service on other blockchains. The anonymous head of PancakeSwap, Chef Mochi, shared his plans with CoinDesk.

PancakeSwap will offer incentives and support to development teams.

PancakeSwap was originally launched on BNB Chain (Binance Smart Chain). Today it is also available on opBNB, Ethereum, Polygon zkEVM, Aptos, Linea, Era zkSync, Base and Arbitrum One.

Holders of CAKE, PancakeSwap’s native token, will benefit. They will receive native tokens of affiliated exchanges. In addition, the new services will use part of the trading fee income to burn CAKE – reducing its supply. In turn, the reduction may lead to an increase in the CAKE rate.

PancakeSwap’s plans for the coming weeks are to gather ideas and feedback from the community.

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