Supercomputer has set the date of the end of the world

end of human civilization by 2050

Daily Star: World One supercomputer predicts end of human civilization by 2050

The World One supercomputer, which is designed to predict patterns in human civilization, has determined that the end of the world will come by 2050. The British edition of The Daily Star writes about this.

The computer’s calculations, commissioned by the Club of Rome in 1973, are based on a complex algorithm that takes into account many factors, including birth rates and pollution levels, the publication said. A complete analysis allows you to predict what life will be like. It is noted that several of the machine’s predictions have already come true, in particular its prediction regarding the reduction in the availability of natural resources and vital minerals.

The cause of human extinction, the publication writes, will be human activity, including environmental pollution, which is becoming critical. “At this stage, from approximately 2040 to 2050, civilized life as we know it on this planet will cease to exist,” the material says.

Earlier, the Hubble Space Telescope recorded multiple light echoes from the supernova 2016adj explosion, which arose due to the reflection of radiation from the dust lanes of the Centaurus A galaxy.

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